
windkit.plot.operational_curves.power_ct_curves(ds, color=['red', 'dodgerblue'], mark_rated=0.995, share_yaxes=True, x_axis_range=[0.0, 30.0], title=False)[source]

Plots the electrical power output and thrust coefficient curves for the different wind turbine modes if there are any. If there is more than one mode, a single plot showing the curves for each wind turbine mode as a separate sub-plot is displayed. If just a mode is studied, a single plot showing the curves is displayed.

  • ds (xarray.Dataset) – Dataset representing a wind turbine generator, must have mode dimension

  • color (list of str, optional) – Determines the color used for the both curves. The first element defines the color for the power curve and the second for the thrust coefficient one. Default is [“red”, “dodgerblue”]. Strings should define valid CSS-colors.

  • mark_rated (float, optional) – Draw a line at fraction of rated power. Set to 0 or False to not display at all.

  • share_yaxes (bool, optional) – Link y-axis values across subplots?, default True

  • x_axis_range (list of floats, optional) – Defines the x axis range. By default the axis range is [0, 30]

  • title (bool, optional) – Should the wind turbine model be added as title, default False


Plotly figure for display, additional modification, or output

Return type:
