
windkit.plot.operational_curves.single_curve(da, style='faceted', color='dodgerblue', share_yaxes=True, x_axis_range=[0.0, 30.0], title=None)[source]

Plots the curve of the given input data variable among the wind speed for the different wind turbine modes if there are any.

  • da (xarray.DataArray) – DataArray representing a data variable from a wind turbine generator Dataset

  • style (str, optional) –

    Can take the following values, default is “faceted”:

    • ”faceted” : A single plot showing a curve for each wind turbine mode as a separate sub-plot. The layout of the plot is designed to keep the plot “square”.

    • ”combined” : Returns a multi line plot showing a curve for each wind turbine mode.

  • color (list of str, optional) – Determines the color used for the the curves, default is “dodgerblue”. When plotting with “combined” style, this defines the color of the first curve, the other curve colors are assignated automatically. Strings should define valid CSS-colors.

  • share_yaxes (bool, optional) – Link y-axis values and labels across subplots?, default True

  • x_axis_range (list of floats, optional) – Defines the x axis range. By default the axis range is [0., 30.]

  • title (str, optional) – Sets the title for the plot. Needs to be defined by the user, default None


Plotly figure for display, additional modification, or output

Return type:
